+ REMOVEWAT | 3.48 GB |
Albania :
01. Vendose fajllin .ISO ne CD (DVD RooM).
01. Vendose fajllin .ISO ne CD (DVD RooM).
02. Masti te mbarosh, fute cdn ne kopjuter dhe restartoje kopjuterin.
03. Sigurohu qe Boot Menu e keni te vendosur ne CD Room ose gjat ndezjes shiko ne fillim
te fotoja kur ndezet kopjuteri ja u qet se me qfar shkronje asht boot menu te dellat ne te shumten e rastit e kajn F12.
te fotoja kur ndezet kopjuteri ja u qet se me qfar shkronje asht boot menu te dellat ne te shumten e rastit e kajn F12.
04. Pastaj kopjuteri do te ju pyes keshtu “Press any key to boot from disk…”, kur ta shihni kete mezash ateher klikoni qfardo shkronje ne tastier.
05. Zgjille gjuhen tende qe deshiron te instalosh windows 7 dhe pastaj kliko “Next”.
06. Kliko “Install Now”.
07. Pastaj, zgjille qfar windowsi deshiron te instalosh x86 (32-bit) ose x64 (64-bit) pasi te zgjillni klikoni “Next”.
08. Kliko “I accept the license terms”, dhe pastaj kliko “Next”.
09. Zgjill nese do me ja bo “Upgrade” ose “Custom”.Une jau sygjeroj “Custom”
10. Jepi koh derisa ta kompletoj instalimin. Kopjuteri yt do te restartohet vet kur te mbaroj instalimi, pastaj ti duhet te krijosh njer user per tu kyqur.
11. Pasi te kesh krijuar userin tend, Kopjo fajllat ne follderin “REMOVEWAT/REMOVEWAT.EXE” i cili gjended ne CD pastaj vendose tek C:\Windows\ dhe krijo nje follder dhe vendose aty, pastaj kliko dy her te programi REMOVEWAT.EXE.
12. Pasti te hapet programi kliko tek “Remove WAT”, dhe kopjuteri yt do te restartohet, dhe pasi te restartohet, windows 7 do te aktivizohet vet automatikisht.
13. Gezohu me Windows 7 Te instaluar nga vet ti. Mos harroni te vazhdoni te beni seed!
12. Pasti te hapet programi kliko tek “Remove WAT”, dhe kopjuteri yt do te restartohet, dhe pasi te restartohet, windows 7 do te aktivizohet vet automatikisht.
13. Gezohu me Windows 7 Te instaluar nga vet ti. Mos harroni te vazhdoni te beni seed!
English :
01. Burn .ISO image to a disk.
01. Burn .ISO image to a disk.
02. Put disk in tray, and restart computer.
03. Either make sure your BIOS are set to boot from the disk, or press the Boot Menu key and select to Boot from Disk.
04. You will be asked to “Press any key to boot from disk…”, press a key, and the Microsoft Windows Setup will begin.
05. Choose your install language configuration, etc. and click “Next”.
06. Click “Install Now”.
07. Next, choose whether you want to install the x86 (32-bit) or the x64 (64-bit) version of Windows 7 Ultimate, and click “Next”.
08. Check the “I accept the license terms”, and click “Next”.
09. Choose whether you want to “Upgrade” or “Custom” install.
10. Allow time for the install to complete. Your computer will reboot once to finish the installation, and then you will be required to setup a user.
11. Once you have setup a user, copy the “REMOVEWAT/REMOVEWAT.EXE” file from the disk to your C:\Windows\ folder, and run it.
12. Select “Remove WAT”, and your computer will restart, and once it does, the activation is taken care of.
13. Enjoy your new Windows 7 Ultimate install. Don’t forget to seed!